Thursday, November 1, 2012

Flying Saucer?

Flying Saucer?

The author's, the writter of the book or article, purpose was to describe to readers what a flying saucer was and the plans being made by the government to create one.

"The NDCin college park, MD, opened one of more than 100 cardboard boxes from the air force recently and came across a 114 page document" This here document was a set of written out plans made by the government planning to build the flying saucer. "The disc shaped craft, which comes complete with an ejector seat, and powered by a ram jet." In this part of the article a more in-depth description, and explanation is given about the flying saucer that wasn't already known about. There was " a fellowship plan to develop weapons suitable for the saucer, to allow it to be used as for reconnaisance, inceptor, or tactical bomber." This was another plan that was found, written by the government, that explained a plan to add on weapons to the saucer to be able to make it more useful.

I don't believe that "flying saucers" are real or ever were, but some of the world believes them to have existed around the area 51 location.

The author successfully explained what the governments secret plans for the flying saucer were and what it was possibly going to be used for in the future.

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