Tuesday, November 20, 2012

States breaking apart!?

States breaking apart

The authors purpose of this article is to inform readers on the recent outrage of states in the US wanting to break away from the country and form their own governments, because of the re-election of president Barack Obama. The author clearly makes their point because he gives good details and examples to help explain the succeeding of the states.

"On November 14, 2012, Daily Caller announced that the White House website “We the People” has received secession petitions from all 50 states. The petitions were filed and signed by those who are apprehensive regarding President Obama’s re-election and feel their state would be better off separated from the Union and operating as its own government" Here the author is explaining what the 50 petitions are and what part they take in the attempt for the states to succeed from the rest of the country.

"It is common for those disappointed with an election result to threaten moving or leaving the country, but the secession petitions bring a new dimension to a nation that is already running on a technological infrastructure never known before." Of course there are people that hate Obama, which is quite normal nowadays, you hear it non-stop, but petitioning to succeed from your country and form your own government is a little too far.

"Anyone may start a petition, but once a petition receives at least 25,000 signatures, the petition moves to a White House review where it will receive notice" You can start a petition for whatever you like, but just remember even if you do reach the goal of 25,000 signatures you still have to go through congress with them, and that is most likely where it will be shot down, if it's not logical, just like this whole petition of the states drama going on.

This whole situation reminds me of other countries that used to do this back along time ago that i've read about  in my history book, like europe and other middle east countries that would break apart for power, money, and trade, because they couldn't all get along as one country.

 All in all the author really informs the reader well on the situation, and how not likely it is to actually succeed through and be passed. Everyone's not going to like the president weather he is democrat or republican, black or white, you can't please everyone. So why not just hang on for the ride, maybe something good will come out of it all.


Monday, November 12, 2012

One's Ideals

One's belief of how to do things, ideal, is okay, but it can also go to far depending on the circumstances. Everyone should be able to defend his/her beliefs without having to do what others go by, otherwise it wouldn't be right. People should respect the choice that others make without thinking bad of them for doing so, because they don't do it to them, they're just minding their own business. Naturally some ideals could cause you to possibly get in trouble with the law, these are the indefensible ideals that go to far. So all in all let everyone believe in what they desire and not criticize, bash or think badly about, them for their choice of belief.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Humans & Caffiene

Humans & Caffiene

The author's, the writter of the book, purpose was to describe to reader's why bacteria, a small micro organism, can live off of caffiene but humans are not able to.

"Bacteria get all the calories they need from it" In other words bacteria do not need much to live on, just the tiniest bit of it. Humans need it all, vitamins, minerals, etc unlike bacteria. "Bacterium, it possesses several enzymes that do things to caffiene that human's can't" With these enzymes bacteria can break down and use caffiene for their energy, and food; being able to live off of it. "We don't have the gears to digest the derrivates further" In humans, the body takes the caffiene and uses it as a source of energy and thats all, nothing else. Then afterwards it is useless to the body.

Bacteria has the capability to use caffiene in ways that humans can't, allowing them to be able to live off of caffiene.

The author clearly explained why bacteria, but not humans can live off of caffiene with good examples, and further explanation.

Flying Saucer?

Flying Saucer?

The author's, the writter of the book or article, purpose was to describe to readers what a flying saucer was and the plans being made by the government to create one.

"The NDCin college park, MD, opened one of more than 100 cardboard boxes from the air force recently and came across a 114 page document" This here document was a set of written out plans made by the government planning to build the flying saucer. "The disc shaped craft, which comes complete with an ejector seat, and powered by a ram jet." In this part of the article a more in-depth description, and explanation is given about the flying saucer that wasn't already known about. There was " a fellowship plan to develop weapons suitable for the saucer, to allow it to be used as for reconnaisance, inceptor, or tactical bomber." This was another plan that was found, written by the government, that explained a plan to add on weapons to the saucer to be able to make it more useful.

I don't believe that "flying saucers" are real or ever were, but some of the world believes them to have existed around the area 51 location.

The author successfully explained what the governments secret plans for the flying saucer were and what it was possibly going to be used for in the future.
