Tuesday, October 15, 2013

CC 1.2

Schools not teaching enough?

In a recent article by Betsy Hammond entitled "Oregon high school students rip schools as too easy, too prone to keep bad teachers" she talks about a certain high school in Oregon where students feel that they are getting under educated by their high school because everything seems so easy, teachers don't seem to care, and the list goes on and on. Betsy purpose to writing this article was to inform others of what’s going on at this high school, in hope of maybe something possibly being done about it in the near future.
As the article states "Oregon high school students are broadly dissatisfied with their public education experience, saying school isn't challenging enough, too many teachers are careless or incompetent and too many students are falling through the cracks." Here Betsy is explaining exactly how the students think and feel about their school, and just how careless the school can be when it comes to educating their students.
Next Hammond brings up that “Only 18 percent reported they are "very satisfied" with their own education" This is just horrible only 18 percent out of 200 kids believe that their school is doing the best they can, while all the others have taken into account that they are not being educated near as much as they should, and that's okay because chances are they probably are not, according to the data taken from surveys, a gathering of a sample of data or opinions, that were conducted at the school about the issue.
Now for the teachers, as Hammond writes "Among students who expressed dissatisfaction with their education, 20 percent cited incompetent or unmotivated teachers" I unfortunately find this somewhat to be true because every school has those teachers that are unmotivated and just let their class sit there, then give of loads of homework at the end of the class; therefore leaving the students stumped because they have no clue how to actually do it because it was never explained thoroughly, or even at all.
Can not forget the classes, near the end of her article Betsy states that "Those who want to succeed however are held back, by things like limits on available AP classes." This is also a very understandable topic, some students have the want and drive to learn more than just what a core classes offer sometimes, but have no other option if their school barely has any AP courses that can be alternatively taken.
There are many more factors that can make students feel like they are being under-educated, poorly or insufficiently educated, by their high school just like the ones above. I can relate to this myself because there are teachers at our school that act the exact same way; Honestly those few should not even be teaching in my opinion.

No one really thinks much of, or pays any attention to this issue, which is where the problem arises. If a teacher doesn't seem to like teaching and can never seem to get motivated then chances are they probably don't belong there and should be replaced with someone who actually wants to help their students succeed.

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